- I HAVE been doing work (sorry no scanner):
- most people here get around on a bike....now I can't really ride a bike, but I'm hoping that getting a neon yellow bike with orange/blue/pink stars on the spokes will be bright enough to stop an accident....or maybe it will start one....
- my bike keys
- the other international gang's bikes---we've basically become the POWER RANGERS!!!!
- those shoes are uh...mandatory...f- for dance club!?!?!....yeah....they do say PLAYBOY in the back
- found a pathway to a quiet shrine, if only my life was like Spirited Away. I'd cross the bridge to a fairy land never to be seen again, condemned to a life of eating and cleaning. I could do that
- .
- yeah I totally ate that cake on a parfait. It was almost as good as mayonnaise on mayonnaise.
- trying to make friends with people way cooler and better looking than me. what's the best way? FOOD. (The japanese and korean students are really awesome. the language of food knows no barriers!!!!)...also I'm in one of these, try to find me, I'm the asian one!!!!
- JAPAN I LOVE YOU AND HATE YOU!!! HOW am I supposed to FIT in your SIZE O/ONE SIZE ONLY CLOTHES if you keep GIVING ME FOOOD!?!?!?!?!
- Japan gets you to buy things by overwhelming you with loud noises, colors, variety and uncomfortably helpful service
- .
- sometimes I eat these calorie bars because I'm out of food and being cheap. I found out that it's actually lemnus bread and the Japanese are descended from elves.
- WTF!?!?